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CBNM-W is a kind of dark brown cubic boron nitride micron powder, made from CBN280, with complete specifications and high purity ...

Product Details

CBNM-W is a kind of dark brown cubic boron nitride micron powder, made from CBN280, with complete specifications and high purity. Its performance is close to CBNM-A, but with better thermal stability. It is suitable for making PCBN products.

Size 0-0.5 0-1 1-2 2-4 3-6 4-8 5-10 6-12 8-12
Availability OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
Size 8-16 10-15 10-20 15-25 20-30 22-36 30-40 36-54 40-50
Availability OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

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